Data insights

Making a robust case for change can be challenging - but it is much easier if you have the right data and evidence to work with.

How we can help

Our experienced data insights team partners with local authorities, regional authorities, the private and charitable sectors to analyse complex datasets about people, places and businesses, to draw out the insights that really matter. 

By combining our extensive knowledge of the UK’s socio-economic data landscape with modern data-science working methods, our team helps our clients understand what is going on, creating insights collaboratively that shape policy, build understanding and gain media traction.

A service tailored to clients' needs

We offer a bespoke service and work with you to design the right package, which can include:

  • Working with you to identify and understand the data you need to dive into.
  • Coordinating with your data teams to add capacity to how data is understood, interrogated and visualised.
  • Supporting you to understand the insights provided by the data and ensuring that your policy or commercial strategies are built around them. 
  • Creating dashboards, like this one, which showcase data in a clear, compelling and convincing way.

Across many of our headline data projects, our team has successfully applied and been accredited as achieving voluntary compliance with the Office for Statistics Regulation’s Code of Practice for Statistics. This is the same standard that National Statistics adhere to, demonstrating our commitment to robust, credible and impactful data analysis. 

Data we typically work with

We have worked with Vodafone, VISA, Scope, Trust for London, the Health Foundation, the Greater London Authority, the London Borough of Camden and others to help them bring existing data to life or use secondary data to make the case for change.

  • We have significant experience working with all forms of local and national socio-economic data, including complex survey micro-data. 
  • For example the Census, Family Resources Survey/Households Below Average Income; Labour Force survey/Annual Population Survey; Understanding Society etc.
  • Where the services exist, we can also rapidly read the very latest data into our analyses via API i.e. programming level data feeds.

To get a sense of what this could look like for you, why not explore some work we’ve published with others? Below are two examples of the kinds of deep-dive analysis we do for our clients.

Trust for London: Census 2021

  • As an extension of our work for the Trust for London’s London Poverty Profile, we produced a series of interactive data visualisations based around the 2021 Census.
  • The visualisations explore the relationship between demographic characteristics found in the Census – including ethnicity, age and disability – and deprivation in London.
  • Users are able to select a demographic characteristic and see its relationship with deprivation and how it maps across London – at both borough and MSOA (neighbourhood) levels.
  • Each visualisation was also accompanied by a blog article providing a deep dive into the trends seen across London and highlighting the relationship found in a specific London borough.

Health Foundation: Dashboard

  • As part of our work for the Health Foundation’s Evidence Hub, we created the Local Authority Dashboard, which explores health inequalities and the wider determinants of health across local authorities in England.
  • The dashboard presents a range of indicators across the Evidence Hub’s thematic topics of Work, Money and resources, Housing and Transport and examines the relationship between them and life expectancy at the local authority and MSOA (neighbourhood) levels.
  • We work together with the Health Foundation to maintain the dashboard and the data and insights are updated quarterly.


Contact us

Our experience covers local authorities, regional government, the private and charitable sectors, and on topics ranging from 5G coverage through to tackling poverty – whatever the challenge, we can help you unpick it.

Would you like to have a conversation about how we could work together?

We would love to hear from you, so please drop us a line via