Our People

Our team is at the heart of everything we do. We want WPI Economics to be a brilliant place to work, which does brilliant work. Find out more about us below:

Meet the team

All our projects are headed by a member of our leadership team, supported by our brilliant team of analysts, economists and policy consultants.


We do not have any current vacancies, but if you’d like to work with us in the future, please do get in touch via the Contact us page.

Please note: As part of any recruitment process, WPI Economics collects and processes personal data relating to job applicants. Please see our full privacy policy here for details about how we collect and use that data. Equality and diversity data will be combined (aggregated) with other applicants’ data and analysed only on an anonymous basis. Non-anonymised data will be deleted once the data has been aggregated.

Working with WPI Economics - previous staff share their experiences:

Catrin Owen joined WPI in 2021 as a Junior Consultant, spending just under a year with the team before joining Ocado as a Graduate Buyer in 2022.

“I joined WPI Economics in 2021 after graduating and working in research at a think tank. I got stuck into projects from the very beginning, working with big clients on projects analysing the economic and environmental value of transport and how local governments can help deliver net zero targets. Project teams were small and I was given a great deal of responsibility and autonomy in the day to day running of the projects which was hugely rewarding.

“WPI Economics is a dynamic and fast-growing team, which has doubled in size in the last few years. The future looks extremely exciting with long standing projects on health and inequality and a wide range of new projects on diverse areas including levelling up and green jobs and skills. They are by far the most supportive and inclusive team I have worked in and I leave with fond memories.”

Alex Myers spent four weeks as an intern with WPI Economics in late 2018.

“The opportunity came two months after graduating from Newcastle University with a degree in Geography. The experience was both interesting and rewarding as it introduced me to the world of economic and public policy. The team at WPI Economics were hugely welcoming, and I felt I fit in with the team (even though I was only in the office for five days of my internship).

“Crucially, senior staff ensured that the role and project on offer suited my interests perfectly. The project linked well to my passion for economic geography (developed throughout my degree) as well as economic policy and place making regeneration that was the focus of my dissertation. Thus, the bulk of my time at WPI Economics was spent researching, analysing and summarising both academic and grey literature on the topic of innovation districts and their role as drivers of innovation. Ultimately, this (internship) was a huge success, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity.”

Raphael Gregorian worked as an analyst at WPI Economics in 2017-18. In September 2018 he joined the civil service as an economist on the Fast Stream programme.

“I worked as an analyst at WPI Economics for just over a year after graduating from university. The experience introduced me to the world of economics, research, stakeholder engagement and policy. I have worked on projects such as exploring the need to improve opportunities for looked-after children; how to incentivise the greater uptake of cleaner vehicles; UK Fintech, immigration and Brexit; and how the built environment can impact mental health and wellbeing, amongst many others. The experience has proved invaluable for three distinct reasons: I have learned a great deal; I have enjoyed learning about and working on a variety of topics across public policy; and I have felt like an integral part of the team.

“I felt that my work was of tangible value and significant to the momentum and direction of projects: I could see how my work mattered. Moreover, alongside formal weekly catch-ups, I was given constructive feedback and assistance to progress my learning, and my development was always taken seriously. The team are genuine, down to earth, and very easy to get along with. I would greatly recommend working at WPI Economics.”

Meghan Meek-O’Connor worked as an analyst at WPI Economics in the summer of 2017.

“I worked at WPI Economics in the summer between my first and second years of a Masters in public policy. It was an extremely positive experience for me, as I was able to work on projects that I was interested in, I was allowed a considerable amount of responsibility, and the team was friendly and dynamic.

My main focus while at WPIe was on the Social Metrics Commission (SMC), developing new ways of measuring poverty. The work was interesting, but also felt challenging, and important for WPI Economics. I appreciated that I had a considerable degree of responsibility, even though I was only there for a few months. By the end of the summer I felt happy with what I had produced, and that I had made a significant contribution. Overall, I would definitely recommend working at WPI Economics. I got to work on interesting, important projects with a friendly and passionate team.”