Centre for Progressive Change: Sick Pay Reform
- We are working with the Centre for Progressive Change to campaign for reforms to Statutory Sick Pay.
- We modelled the costs and benefits of different potential reforms, finding that the direct costs of increasing sick pay were outweighed by the benefits, which include increased productivity, fewer periods of prolonged absence due to exacerbating existing conditions and better public health outcomes, because people are not spreading illness by coming into work sick.
- We built the evidence base / cost case for these changes and are now supporting the campaign’s work to push for implementation of these reforms.
- This has involved us speaking at events in Parliament, representing the research to the Work & Pensions Select Committee, working with businesses voluntarily adopting the proposals and supporting them in meetings with key stakeholders and businesses.
- The Government (when in Opposition) committed to rolling out these policies as part of its manifesto.
Amanda Walters, Director of the Centre for Progressive Change
“When we hired WPI Economics, we hoped we would get excellent analysis and insights to underpin our campaign to reform statutory sick pay. We got that and much more. The team produced first-class modelling of the impacts of reform and also helped us to make the case for the change, joining us at parliamentary events, business briefings and stakeholder sessions. They have supported our communications work, fed into our press releases and shared our messages on their own channels. We have been delighted by their work and the impact of the campaign so far.”